viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011
jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011
'It's impossible to find clothes that fit': Bridesmaids star Melissa McCarthy to end big fashion dilemma with her own plus-size line
The 41-year-old says she is fed up of struggling to find fashionable clothes to fit her and even had to resort to designing her own dress for the recent Emmy Awards.
'Trying to find stuff that's still fashion-forward in my size is damn near impossible,' McCarthy tells The Hollywood Reporter.

Frustrated: Melissa McCarthy ended up helping to design her own dress for the Emmy Awards earlier this month after trying on 'nine million' ill-fitting options

Cover girl: The Bridesmaids and Mike and Molly star revealed her plans to design a plus-size clothing range in the new issue of the Hollywood Reporter
Unlike her cousin and former Playboy Playmate of the Year Jenny McCarthy, the actress is not known for having a svelte figure.
In Mike & Molly she plays a schoolteacher who falls in love with a fellow member of Overeaters Anonymous.
But McCarthy says she spends little time worrying about her figure, especially since giving birth to her second child, 18-month-year-old Georgette.
'The stupid stuff like what I wear or how I look I can't control,' she says, 'so I just try not to give much energy to it.
'At 20, I would have been like: "Don't they like me? Was it my hair?"
'At 41, I think the things that define me, I hope, are a lot more than those kind of petty things.'
Instead McCarthy tells the showbiz trade paper that she is still overwhelmed by the acclaim and opportunities that have come her way since appearing in the hit comedy Bridesmaids.
When she was asked to become a guest host of the skit show Saturday Night Live, the actress says her friend thought something terrible had happened.
McCarthy was shopping with Bridesmaids co-writer Annie Mumolo when she received the phone call that she will be presenting this weekend.
'I went into such an embarrassing, weird, inappropriately loud cry,' she says of her reaction in a furniture store.
'Annie was running in circles.
'She thinks something horrible is happening because I'm bent over, literally, in the rug section of Living Spaces wailing.'
Mumolo agrees, saying: 'I thought someone had died.'
When she won the Emmy Award McCarthy worried that she would embarrass herself on live TV.
'I remember my knees went first,' she says.
'And I thought: "Oh God, please don't fall down. Just keep upright. You're in a dress. Your mum and dad are watching.'"
miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011
Firing range: 15 picks for the best reds in every shade this season

Photography by Natasha V. with styling by Briana Mirabelli
Gone are the days of the one-lipstick woman. This fall, red lips are trending, and now you don’t have to pick just one hue. From bold red to deep purple, it’s all about confidence in carrying a shade. Sure, you might have a preference, but there’s no need to feel limited. Switch from poppy to pomegranate from day to night—no one’s stopping you.
Go red! »
Help FASHION celebrate our 10th annual Reader’s Choice Beauty Awards by telling us which products are your ultimate must-haves. Vote at for a chance to WIN a beauty pack with your top picks!
martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011
lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011
jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011
3 types of women with CURVES
Well as in the fashion world there is controversy as to label a girl with Curves or Plus to model and to participate on the runway here I leave my humble opinion. I divided them into three categories:
In the picture the first girl's size 8, second size 12 and third size 14.
1. Full Figure-Girls
Those that are in my opinion between size 8 to size 10, which is ridiculous as they are spectacular and thin. Even bikinis can be used as they can show their abdomen that does not have those Love Handle as we say here in Puerto Rico chichito that ruin our life. We must also be realistic the girls in the fashion world at a height of 5'7 forward and limbs tend to look longer and with more dimension. But if we see them walking down the street are Broads which appear to be a size no greater than 6 and I in my personal character I don't think they are Plus, Yes with curves but not in the category of plus-size girl.
2. Plump girls -
Those that are between size 12 to size 14 are girls with more curves in their definition but also do not consider plus size girls can dress up as yet between a size L size XL to a regular clothing store. I think you see them walking on the street are girls who make heads turn as their curves are slightly more marked than girls Full Figure.
3. Plus Girls -
Those that are between size 16 and up, the society lists chubby girls who are not healthy . To the world being overweight is synonymous with a disorganized life in some aspects , such as not workout, not on diets and especially people who are sedentary. In which I disagree because I am a size 16 and I exercise and eat a diet without starving me not to leave my Gustitos.
Those that are in my opinion between size 8 to size 10, which is ridiculous as they are spectacular and thin. Even bikinis can be used as they can show their abdomen that does not have those Love Handle as we say here in Puerto Rico chichito that ruin our life. We must also be realistic the girls in the fashion world at a height of 5'7 forward and limbs tend to look longer and with more dimension. But if we see them walking down the street are Broads which appear to be a size no greater than 6 and I in my personal character I don't think they are Plus, Yes with curves but not in the category of plus-size girl.
2. Plump girls -
Those that are between size 12 to size 14 are girls with more curves in their definition but also do not consider plus size girls can dress up as yet between a size L size XL to a regular clothing store. I think you see them walking on the street are girls who make heads turn as their curves are slightly more marked than girls Full Figure.
3. Plus Girls -
Those that are between size 16 and up, the society lists chubby girls who are not healthy . To the world being overweight is synonymous with a disorganized life in some aspects , such as not workout, not on diets and especially people who are sedentary. In which I disagree because I am a size 16 and I exercise and eat a diet without starving me not to leave my Gustitos.
If you follow my blog will find several articles of tasteful dressing according to the shape of your body.
Stay beautiful and healthy
miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011
3 tipos de mujeres con CURVAS
Bueno como en el mundo de la moda existe la polémica en como catalogar a una chica con Curvas o Plus para modelar y para participar en las pasarelas aqui les dejo mi humilde opinion. Las dividí en tres categorías:
En la foto la primera chica es size 8, segunda size 12 y la tercera size 14.
1. Las chicas Full Figure-
Son las que estan a mi entender entre los size 8 al size 10 , que en mi opinion es ridículo ya que se ven espectaculares y delgadas. Incluso pueden utilizar bikinis ya que pueden mostrar su abdomen por que no tiene esos Love Handle osea como decimos aca en Puerto Rico chichitos que nos hacen la vida de cuadritos. Tambien debemos ser realista las chicas en el mundo de la moda tiene una estatura de 5'7 en adelante y sus extremidades tienden hacer mas largas y se ven con mas dimension. Pero si las vemos caminando por la calle son chicas fabulosas que no aparentan ser un size mayor de 6 y yo en mi caracter personal no las concidero Plus si con Curvas pero no en la categoria de una chica de talla grande.
2. Las chicas Plump (osea llenitas) -
Son las que estan entre los size 12 al size 14 son chicas con mas definicion en sus Curvas pero no las considero tampoco chicas de talla grande ya que todavia pueden vestir entre un size L a un size XL de una tienda de ropa regular. Considero que las ves caminado en la calle son chicas que hacen virar cabeza ya que sus proporciones suelen ser un poco mas marcadas que las chicas Full Figure.
3. Las chicas Plus -
Son las que estan entre los size 16 en adelante, la sociedad las cataloga chicas gorditas que no estan saludables y las encajona. Para el mundo estar sobre peso es sinónimo de una vida desorganizada en algunos aspectos, como por ejemplo que no llevan una rutina de ejercicios, no llevan dietas y sobre todo que son personas sedentarias. En lo cual yo difiero ya que soy size 16 y hago ejercicios y llevo una dieta sin pasar hambre no dejar de darme mis gustitos.
Para mi no hay chicas delgadas, full figure, plump ni plus sino chicas reales que quieren ser una version mejorada de ellas mismas. Con sueños, metas como cualquier ser humano, por que discriminar por el tamaño de su cuerpo si la inteligencia y destrezas no estan en su cuerpo si no en su cerebro. Lamentablemente tu eres quien permite el discrimen en tu vida ya que si dejas que lo que las demas personas digan te afecte. Tener Curvas y ser Plus es hermoso ya que es un estilo de vida . No promociono la obesidad si no una mejor calidad de vida e incluir en tu diario una rutina de ejercicios al menos 30 min de cardio y una dieta balanceada como les dije mas arriba sin pasar hambre, cuida de ti por que si tu no lo haces nadie lo hara por ti.
Si sigues mi blog encontraras varios articulos de como vestirte con buen gusto de acuerdo a la forma de tu cuerpo.
Mantengases bellas y saludables,
martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011
lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011
lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011
martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011
Exclusive: Doe Deere of Lime Crime
Lime Crime makeup is the realization of one girl’s bright idea to bring color into what she perceived to be a otherwise pallid world. In 2008, NYC-LA based makeup artist and style blogger Doe Deere created Lime Crime to provide a makeup experience that customers couldn’t get from any other brand. With bright unique colors, products and packaging, Doe Deere’s vision is clearly successful. VAINSTYLE was lucky enough to ask Lime Crime creator Doe Deere about her makeup line, personal style and future plans for Lime Crime. Check out the exclusive interview below!
How did you get your start in makeup?
Even though I was a tomboy all throughout high school, my interest in makeup began around the age of 8. I loved the idea of wearing eyeliner, applying my mom’s eyeshadow and gloss and was eager to do it at slumber parties and sleepovers. I rediscovered makeup when I was 18, when a friend of my mother’s made me beautiful for prom. I loved the feeling of being confident in my looks.
The idea to start my own makeup line came to me in 2008, when I realized the makeup I wanted to wear — bright, intensely pigmented — didn’t exist. And the rest is history!
Why unicorns on your makeup packaging?
I love fairy tales — anything supernatural piques my interest. Unicorns in particular appeal to me as symbols of strength, beauty, and individuality (uni = one). They also stand for kindness to others, especially other animals (Lime Crime is cruelty-free). Unicorns may have been a bit overused lately, but it doesn’t change my brand’s philosophy!
What is your favorite item from Lime Crime?
We just came out with the LIP NOIR micro-collection: 3 lipsticks, gray, wine-red and glossy black. Glamour 101, the red, is my perfect retro-red at the moment — when I go out, I can’t get enough of it!
Besides Lime Crime of course, what other brands of makeup do you use and love?
I’m not too picky and find myself looking for products more than brands. My favorite gel liner is Clinique, foundation by Makeup Forever, perfume by Anna Sui… Whatever works!
Where do you draw inspiration for new colors?
My background is in fashion and music, which tend to be seasonal, conceptual and cyclical. Like a designer or a musician would, I think in ‘collections’ or ‘albums’. A theme usually presents itself; I only need listen to my heart. Usually, I’m so inspired by something, it’s impossible NOT to make a collection out of it!
Can you explain the process in creating a lipstick or eye shadow?
There is the technical side to it and then there’s the creative. I like to start with the creative — get obsessed with the theme and pick colors/textures to represent it. Then it’s off to the lab — I have an incredible group of chemists who help me develop formulas and ensure that the shades perform the way they should. It takes anywhere from 3-6 months to develop a range of 10 shades, depending on how precise my vision is — sometimes it morphs as you go along!
Do you have plans to expand the Lime Crime line? Nail polish? Lip-gloss?
I am constantly working on new products but usually keep it under wraps until it’s time. (smile) We may or may not have a sparkly surprise for our fans this Holiday Season!
What new colors can we expect from up and coming Lime Crime lines?
Vivids. Muted. Neons. Darks. Pastels. When it comes to color, I don’t discriminate! But always intense and always immensely pigmented — true to the Lime Crime tradition.
What one celebrity do you think embodies what your brand stands for and why?
I like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Nikki Minaj. Someone with a bold, adventurous sense of style.
How would you explain your personal style?
Quirky, dreamy, inspired. Ever-evolving, eclectic. Individualist with just a hint of retro!
What is the one thing in your closet you paid too much for?
Oh man, let me tell you about my pony rug! Not technically clothing but it’s sitting in my closet nonetheless. I came across this vintage sheepskin area rug (in excellent condition), it had a pony design and I just had to have it. It was a hundred bucks — not a bank-breaker, but possibly the worst a hundred bucks I ever spent because the minute I got home I realized I had no place for it. Dang! Now I’m frantically racking my brain for someone to gift it to — it is an excellent rug…
What garment or accessory can you never have enough of?
If you look inside my closet, you will see 1 item stretched across the rack: dresses. I have dozens and dozens of dresses and don’t think I could have too many. Most are vintage, with some kind of a unique pattern. I just found one in a vintage shop that has a print of every animal under the sun: from zebra to giraffe! Accessories, I really love Bakelite bangles and vintage brooches. I have a collection of rings which rarely sees the light of day; I just don’t like how they feel on my hands.
Any plans to create a clothing line?
Believe it or not, that’s exactly what Lime Crime was originally — a DIY clothing line! I used to sew and sell clothes on eBay under that handle. When the time came to come up with a name for my makeup company, it was a perfect fit!
Who is your favorite clothing designer?
I’m a fan of Anna Sui, Betsey Johnson and vintage Biba. Definitely having a moment with the 1970s right now. (smile)
What event throughout your make up career stands out the most?
Definitely our SpaceNK Tour. We got to go to London and meet-and-greet fans in several stores, then come back to the US and do it all again on the East and West Coast. I enjoy giving makeovers — it’s like playing dress-up with new friends!
Be sure to grab Lime Crime’s new Lip Noir collection online at on September 1st! To keep up with Doe Deere make sure to follow her blog.
-Amanda Rose
How to Apply Eye Makeup in 8 Steps
When evening calls for a glamorous look, you want to focus on making your eyes amazing. Here's how to apply eye makeup in only 8 steps.
- Prep your eyes with concealer can be used to cover up under-eye circles or just the bluish discoloration just under your inner eye. To cover dark under eye circles, apply three dots of concealer under each eye. Start at the inner corner where skin tends to be darkest, then under the pupil and the third on the outer edge. Pat, never rub with your ring finger (this finger tends to have the softest pad) until it disappears.
- Apply eye base to your lid Eye base is the secret to keeping your shadow in place for hours. Without properly priming your lid first, your eyeshadow will likely end up a greasy line in your crease.
- Follow with eyeliner Dark eyeshadow work great as eyeliners. Wet a slanted brush, then dip in a dark eyeshadow. Line eyes as close to the upper lashes as possible from the inner corner to the outer corner. Follow with liner on bottom eyes, but only line from the middle of the eye out. Smudge the bottom line with a Q-tip or your finger. You don't want a prominent line. For a smokey eye, use a brush to pat in a dark eyeshadow along the upper lid and below the lid. You don't want a stark line, instead you want to blend it so it's "smudge-y."
- Apply eyeshadow. It's great to use a three-toned shadow and build from lids to brow (see How to apply eyeshadow). Allowing them to blend into each other like a rainbow is gorgeous, according to celebrity makeup artist Mally Roncal. Start with a light color that almost matches your lid. Sweep the color across the lid and up to your brow bone. Follow with a medium color across your lid only. Build on this with a darker color in the crease. Blend the colors well.
- Brighten your eyes with a highlighter This step involves only the inside part of the eye. Putting a bit of your lightest eyeshadow in the inner corner of your eye will brighten it significantly (this is the makeup artist's secret and I use this trick all the time). I usually dab a finger into my lightest eyeshadow and then I press it into the inner corner of my eye where the upper lid meets the bottom lid. This totally makes eyes "pop."
- Highlight your brow Take the same light eyeshadow and dab it on your brow bone, concentrating on your mid-brow outward. Blend with your finger.
- Curl lashes An eyelash curler will make even long lashes look more gorgeous. For added effect, you can heat the curler under a blow dryer for a couple seconds. Test curler before applying to lashes because you could burn yourself.
- Apply mascara Place the wand of your mascara brush at the bottom of lashes and wiggle back and forth. Follow with another few sweeps of the wand. Apply to bottom lashes as well.
Cosmetic History with (Mineral) Makeup
Down through the ages, cosmetic history reveals various substances depending on what part of the world they were used in. Some of these substances such as white lead were unhealthy and even lethal. Some makeup was made from minerals believed to have healing properties. Some people today still believe in using make up that has natural mineral ingredients.
Cosmetic history takes us as far back as 3100 to 2907 B.C., there is proof of naturally based and other makeup used in Egypt. The Egyptian women used to apply eye makeup that was green in color. This could have had Malachite in it because it is green in color and is caused from copper getting weathered. Also, kohl was used to make lashes darker (like mascara) and other accents. Antimony was the source to make kohl and it is found naturally in crystalline form. Makeup was very much a ritual for Egyptian women since they believed that one’s beauty brought them closer to the Gods. Eye makeup was also used for to keep demons away and also as a fly repellent. The stones or minerals that were used are mesdemt, malachite sometimes referred to as malakite, lead sulfide, antimony, copper, manganese, jasper, and ground up lapis lazuli for use as a medicine for the eyes.
Romans like to use makeup too. To lighten or whiten the face, chalk was used. Rouge was also added to the cheeks and kohl was used to make the eyelashes and eyelids darker. This cosmetic history was from 254-184 B.C. During this time, the Plautus reportedly wrote, “A woman without paint is like food without salt.” Also the teeth were cleaned using pumice and they did have their version of depilatories.
Some of the minerals and natural ingredients used by the Romans were things like ceruse, soot, red ochre, saffron, and chalk.
In the Greco-Roman era, the women used a combination of chalk and white lead. White lead wound up causing even certain deformities. On the other hand the Persians liked to apply henna to their faces and their hair to color them. They were superstitious in that they thought by using henna it called up the earth’s majesty. Nice cosmetic history so far?
As an example of a mineral that was not healthy, let’s look at arsenic. Arsenic was used during the Renaissance in Italy in makeup. Signora Toffana invented Aqua Toffana, which was a face powder containing the mineral arsenic. Her clients were actually told to only wear the powder when the husbands were around. It needs to be pointed out that Signora Toffana was put to death after the death of about 600 of these husbands not to mention what wearing arsenic did to the women. Not so nice cosmetic history here! Other minerals were used in makeup though during the Renaissance including lead, antimony, and sulfide.
The poor and or country folk of the Regency era used all sorts of berries, vegetables, herbs, flowers and other natural ingredients for makeup purposes. High society, though, wanted pale skin to signify their wealth. They did not want even to look suntanned therefore they used parasols and bonnets to protect their skin.
Cosmetic history during the Victorian era, only actresses and prostitutes used makeup. They did use natural ingredients to make facial treatments though. If they needed to add some rosiness to their cheeks, they would use red beet juice for one thing. The Victorian women also used zinc oxide to make their skin pale looking.
After the Victorian period to the early part of the 1900s, many makeup innovations were made. In 1920, makeup went into mass marketing. In the mid 1900s, makeup became quite popular some of it was quite heavy though. A lot of synthetically based makeup was on the market and not all was found to be safe. There is even the controversy of the safety of mineral oil used in cosmetics.
Hair dye containing the natural coal tar was widely used. Today it has been unsafe and some link it to cancer.
Mineral-based makeup now is popular. Women have found the minerals to be beneficial to their complexion in many cases. There are foundation, blushes, eye shadows, lipglosses and even lipsticks with mineral bases. There are even sunscreens that have recently been put on the market that have a mineral base.
Some of the minerals used today are such things as Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide, and Sodium in various forms, Silica, Iron Oxides, and Bismuth Oxychloride. Thankfully today the mineral-based makeup not only is safe for use but gentle even to sensitive skin. We are past the days of using white lead and arsenic to make up our faces. Thank goodness for these advancements in cosmetic history.
Cosmetic history takes us as far back as 3100 to 2907 B.C., there is proof of naturally based and other makeup used in Egypt. The Egyptian women used to apply eye makeup that was green in color. This could have had Malachite in it because it is green in color and is caused from copper getting weathered. Also, kohl was used to make lashes darker (like mascara) and other accents. Antimony was the source to make kohl and it is found naturally in crystalline form. Makeup was very much a ritual for Egyptian women since they believed that one’s beauty brought them closer to the Gods. Eye makeup was also used for to keep demons away and also as a fly repellent. The stones or minerals that were used are mesdemt, malachite sometimes referred to as malakite, lead sulfide, antimony, copper, manganese, jasper, and ground up lapis lazuli for use as a medicine for the eyes.

Some of the minerals and natural ingredients used by the Romans were things like ceruse, soot, red ochre, saffron, and chalk.
In the Greco-Roman era, the women used a combination of chalk and white lead. White lead wound up causing even certain deformities. On the other hand the Persians liked to apply henna to their faces and their hair to color them. They were superstitious in that they thought by using henna it called up the earth’s majesty. Nice cosmetic history so far?
As an example of a mineral that was not healthy, let’s look at arsenic. Arsenic was used during the Renaissance in Italy in makeup. Signora Toffana invented Aqua Toffana, which was a face powder containing the mineral arsenic. Her clients were actually told to only wear the powder when the husbands were around. It needs to be pointed out that Signora Toffana was put to death after the death of about 600 of these husbands not to mention what wearing arsenic did to the women. Not so nice cosmetic history here! Other minerals were used in makeup though during the Renaissance including lead, antimony, and sulfide.
The poor and or country folk of the Regency era used all sorts of berries, vegetables, herbs, flowers and other natural ingredients for makeup purposes. High society, though, wanted pale skin to signify their wealth. They did not want even to look suntanned therefore they used parasols and bonnets to protect their skin.

After the Victorian period to the early part of the 1900s, many makeup innovations were made. In 1920, makeup went into mass marketing. In the mid 1900s, makeup became quite popular some of it was quite heavy though. A lot of synthetically based makeup was on the market and not all was found to be safe. There is even the controversy of the safety of mineral oil used in cosmetics.
Hair dye containing the natural coal tar was widely used. Today it has been unsafe and some link it to cancer.

Some of the minerals used today are such things as Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide, and Sodium in various forms, Silica, Iron Oxides, and Bismuth Oxychloride. Thankfully today the mineral-based makeup not only is safe for use but gentle even to sensitive skin. We are past the days of using white lead and arsenic to make up our faces. Thank goodness for these advancements in cosmetic history.
lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011
Adele: ‘My weight has never been an issue, I’ve never hung out with the sort of horrible people who make it an issue’
September 5, 2011 in Celebrity Quotes by Versus

23 year-old Adele opened up tp Vogue Magazine about body image – here’s a part of the interview that might interest you:
See 2 shots from the magazine next!While many young singers are obsessed with staying slim there is one star that makes no apology for her fuller figure. And in a revealing interview singing sensation Adele says she is happy just the way she is and her voluptuous shape has never been an issue.Speaking to Vogue the 23-year-old who also posed for a series of stunning portraits said: ‘I enjoy being me; I always have done. I’ve seen people where it rules their lives, you know, who want to be thinner or have bigger boobs, and how it wears them down. And I just don’t want that in my life.’And it seems the people she surrounds herself with ensure she maintains a positive self-image.She explained: ‘It’s just never been an issue – at least, I’ve never hung out with the sort of horrible people who make it an issue. I have insecurities of course, but I don’t hang out with anyone who points them out to me.’Adele, who was forced to cancel the first two dates of her U.K. tour yesterday because of a severe cold and chest infection, has also revealed why you won’t see her as the face of a brand anytime soon, no matter how high the offer is.She told the magazine: ‘I don’t want to see me plastered everywhere,’ before adding, ‘If they offered me £10million, I’d be like f*** off. Besides if I was going to be the face of anything it should be the face of full-fat coke.’

sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011
Giving away Sigma's FLARE Palette
Want to win one?
I posted a review on the Sigma's FLARE palette yesterday. As a Sigma affiliate, I get an opportunity to giveaway the same product to my readers. So here's the deal.
Get a chance to WIN Sigma's FLARE Palette
The contest is open internationally
How to get in? Just follow the simple rules to qualify.
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- Just join my blog through G.F.C (Google Friend Connect) Publicly.
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Get a chance to WIN Sigma's FLARE Palette @sarahassansblog #giveaway, 1 de septiembre de 2011
Adele set to perform at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards!
MTV announces the first line-up of artists who will perform LIVE at the “2011 MTV Video Music Awards.” British singer-songwriter and chart-topper Adele, whose quadruple platinum hit single “Rolling in the Deep” received an incredible seven nominations, will make her VMA performance debut at this year’s show. With an impressive year under his belt and three nominations in his pocket, including “Best Hip Hop,” superstar music mogul Lil Wayne is aiming to take the VMA crown once he hits the stage to perform. After his memorable debut at the 2007 VMAs, Chris Brown, who has multiple VMA nods, is ready to up his game and unleash another huge performance. The “2011 MTV Video Music Awards” will air live from Nokia Theater L.A. Live in Los Angeles on Sunday, August 28, 2011 at 9PM (Live ET/Tape delayed PT.) MTV will announce additional performers and presenters on a later date.

MTV announces the first line-up of artists who will perform LIVE at the “2011 MTV Video Music Awards.” British singer-songwriter and chart-topper Adele, whose quadruple platinum hit single “Rolling in the Deep” received an incredible seven nominations, will make her VMA performance debut at this year’s show. With an impressive year under his belt and three nominations in his pocket, including “Best Hip Hop,” superstar music mogul Lil Wayne is aiming to take the VMA crown once he hits the stage to perform. After his memorable debut at the 2007 VMAs, Chris Brown, who has multiple VMA nods, is ready to up his game and unleash another huge performance. The “2011 MTV Video Music Awards” will air live from Nokia Theater L.A. Live in Los Angeles on Sunday, August 28, 2011 at 9PM (Live ET/Tape delayed PT.) MTV will announce additional performers and presenters on a later date.
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