miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Certamen Puerto Rico Bold & Beautiful

Miss & Mrs Puerto Rico Bold & Beautiful es un certamen que Realza la Belleza e Inteligencia de la Mujer Plus. Bajo sus siglas CRE Caribbean Renovation Entretaiment INC. fue creada con el propósito de realizar actividades sociales y culturales; que puedan realzar y reafirmar la autoestima de cada ser humano.
La compañía está compuesta por gente joven, creativa  y comprometida con los cambios continuos que se presentan en el mercado de la belleza, dando así un toque de perfección en cada una de sus realizaciones, garantizando los mejores resultados.

El evento principal es  Miss & Mrs Puerto Rico Bold & Beautiful”, en el cuál de destacara la belleza, inteligencia y habilidades de la mujer Plus.
En CRE Inc. desean que sea el sueño de cada mujer; poder tener un título significativo de lo que representa la mujer Plus en Puerto Rico.

Su objetivo es llevar a la mujer plus a otro nivel.  Es por esto, que en el concurso se estarán brindando talleres para el mejoramiento de cada mujer, que pase por el concurso.  Se les brindará talleres de Belleza, Salud y Autoestima.  Al culminar cada taller las candidatas tendrán la habilidad de desenvolverse por ellas mismas, en fin, saldrán preparadas para entrar al mundo de la belleza u cualquier otro camino que decidan seguir. Nuestro concurso expondrá a cada candidata al ojo público y así tendrán la oportunidad de  tener algún acercamiento de nuestros auspiciadores u otros interesados.  Al finalizar nuestro concurso, tendremos unas representantes de la belleza plus en Puerto Rico.  

La  organización se sentira sumamente orgulloso de poder formar parte de una nueva era en el mundo de la belleza.  Dejando fuera los estereotipos y buscando en realidad la combinación perfecta de lo que es una Mujer Plus.

Caribbean Renovation Entertainment Inc.
PO Box 1262 Toa Alta PR 00954
Julio Morales -
Presidente /  Productor Ejecutivo

Reinas Actuales  
3 era Edicion 2010/2011 

Carlymar Rosa Miss PR B&B Top Model , Dary-Lee Lander Mrs. PR B&B, Elienid Rivera Miss PR B&B, Joan Colon Mrs PR B&B Top Model

2nda Edicion

 Rosalynn Minaya Miss PR B&B y Vimarie Negron Mrs PR B&B

Delmarie Irizarriy Miss PR B&B Top Model y Saraid Hernandez Mrs. PR B&B Top Model

1era Edicion 

Rosyllermis Serrano Miss PR B&B y Walitza Rodriguez  Miss PR B&B Top Model

PR Bold & Beautiful celebrara su 4rta Edicion

2012 a finales de Febrero, si tu quieres ser la

proxima mujer Plus  mas bella de Puerto Rico

esta es tu oportunidad.

Mantengansen Bellas y Saludables.


Transformada de pies a cabeza

Por Wanda I. Orengo / worengo@elnuevodia.com

Al igual que miles de personas, Militza Narváez Ortega luchaba contra el sobrepeso, un complejo que laceraba su autoestima. Sin embargo, no fue hasta que la desgracia tocó a su puerta que su vida cambió.
Los traumas emocionales y físicos, las varillas en las dos piernas y las cicatrices que la marcaron tras un aparatoso accidente automovilístico fueron menos difíciles de superar que las más de 70 libras que ganó durante los dos años que le tomó el proceso de recuperación. Pero su batalla contra el sobrepeso no inició en ese momento, asomó mucho antes.
“Desde niña fui gordita, incluso mi apodo era ‘Golda’, aunque nunca me gustó que me llamaran así. En la adolescencia sufrí complejo de inferioridad y entendía que para que la gente me aceptara tenía que ser flaca”, sostiene la psicóloga de 28 años. “Era tímida, me sentía cansada, lenta, deprimida, aislada de la sociedad”, agrega.
Para contrarrestar su gordura, Militza probó pastillas y se sometió a mil y una dietas, pero ninguna le funcionó. Este sobrepeso aumentó cada día más mientras se recuperaba del incidente. Con voz entrecortada, Militza narra la colisión que marcó su vida en plena época navideña.
“Estaba en el carro con el papá de mi nene y mi hijo, que en ese entonces tenía siete meses... Al cambiar la luz vemos este vehículo sin derecho al paso que nos impacta. Salí expulsada por el cristal y la guagua en que veníamos se viró del golpe y me cayó encima. Me fracturó las dos piernas”.
Esta pesadilla ató a Militza a una silla de ruedas y a un cuerpo distinto. “No veía cuánto había engordado a pesar de que mi familia y amistades me lo decían. Simplemente, cuando no me servía la ropa, compraba una talla más grande”, relata la naranjiteña.
El diagnóstico de hipertensión e hipotiroidismo no le importó, sin embargo su imagen en una foto sí la estremeció. La Militza que veía reflejaba 270 libras y en ese momento reaccionó.
“Coloqué la foto en la nevera y una nota que decía ‘Yo puedo’. Dejó a un lado los refrescos, los dulces y las frituras, alega. Adoptó la dieta de Jenny Craig por seis meses y le funcionó para rebajar, pero no para su bolsillo, ya que le resultaba onerosa. Decidió seguir su propio régimen consumiendo porciones pequeñas al día y vio cómo la balanza se inclinó a su favor. Bajó 70 libras.
Al poco tiempo, recibió una invitación para participar en un concurso de ‘Beauty and Fitness’, patrocinado por Magaly Febles, llamado “El reto de los 100 días”.
Con la ayuda de una nutricionista y un entrenador personal logró deshacerse de otras 43 libras. Dedicaba una hora al día, cinco veces a la semana, a hacer ‘cardio’ y ‘spinning’ en las mañanas, y en las tardes corría. Su menú incluía avena, pan integral, yogur, frutas y cremas en las mañanas. A media tarde y en la noche elegía carnes, ensaladas y vegetales. “Nunca pasé hambre y aprendí a comer”, asevera orgullosa.
Al terminar el concurso se sentía tan comprometida con su salud que permaneció con su rutina física y su régimen alimentario hasta llegar a su meta de 148 libras con una estatura de 5’6”. Aunque aclara podría rebajar más está más que satisfecha con su figura.
Apoyo a otros
Hoy, cinco años después del suceso, Militza ha encontrado su propósito en la vida. Decidió enlazar su especialización en psicología con su experiencia y abrir un gimnasio para asistir a las personas con sobrepeso u obesidad.
“Sé que existe una necesidad en Puerto Rico. Este es un tema que me interesa y con mi experiencia ayudaré a muchas personas a combatir esta problemática”, afirma la ahora empresaria. Según datos del Departamento de Salud, se estima que un 65% de la población puertorriqueña está en sobrepeso.
En el local para damas y caballeros, recién inaugurado en Barranquitas, ofrece un trato especial a cada miembro. Su experiencia será fundamental para dar ese sostén cuando asome el desánimo. El gimnasio contará con entrenadores, nutricionistas y testimonios de personas que atravesado la misma situación.
“Mi experiencia es un ejemplo de que sí se puede, aún padeciendo una condición como el hipotiroidismo. Logré mi meta. Espero ayudar en el área emocional, ya que la mente es poderosa y hay que aprender a dominarla”, concluye con la esperanza de ser un ejemplo a seguir.
Cinco claves:
• Tener actitud positiva
• Tener metas a corto y largo plazo
• Visitar un especialista en nutrición
• Seguir una buena alimentación
• Ejercitarse regularmente
Búscala en Facebook
Transformation by Militza Narváez

Militza Narvaez Helping others with my experience will be one of my goals made ​​.. Soon I will be sharing with many people to achieve our objectives.!

Militza down  122 Lb in almost 2 years with great effort and sacrifice and not limit her self to stay there. On March 14, 2011 made ​​one of his dreams was to open a gym to work with obesity and guide people to lead healthy lives.     
For my pride she  is one of my best friends and I'm living this experience with her. Militza is an example that if you offer  something in life you do not look back. The weight is not what makes a person if inside you and your self-esteem, she lost weight through diet and exercise and not merely to eat, she knew that she had to put a little more effort when exercising.

Soon Militza Narvaez  interview.


domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Bennetts Boots 30 second TVC with intro

Bennetts Boots Widecalfboots

If you love boots and you are Wide problem Solve on Bennetts Boots Widecalfboots is Ur answer. Visit their site and you would love them. Wide boot for happy feet. They also have fitting advice.

  • We have up to 3 calf widths so you get the right fit for you.
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  • NO Elastic, no muffin top, no one will know they are wide calf
  • Anti smell, anti sweat and soft full length lining as we all deserve quality
  • High quality craftsmanship materials like the soft elastic leather that molds around your calves
  •  Classic designs that won’t date and elongate your legs so you look taller and slimmer
  • Australian Owned and Australian Designed

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    You can contact anytime between business hours at our three stores or afterhours and leave a message.


sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

V.Conócete a ti misma: Cuerpo Forma de Manzana

Forma de Manzana

La forma de la manzana se caracteriza por sus grandes pechos, la sección media completa, caderas delgadas, piernas delgadas y hombros semi-ancho. Este tipo de cuerpo se enfrenta al reto de definir una cintura cuando hay poca o ninguna definición. A través  de algunas sugerencias y claves, usted podrá aumentar su curvatura en la cintura.

El vestido “go-to” para la forma de  manzana es el vestido perfecto. Crea curvas sexy, mostrando el busto. Cualquier falda que se ensancha de cintura para abajo se verá deslumbrante en la forma de  manzana. El uso de  una falda acompañada puede verse encantadora. Trata estilos más cortos para mostrar tus piernas delgadas. Evite vestidos de corte imperio, pueden hacerte lucir embarazada.

Tops para la forma de la manzana se puede ver muy sexy, a veces demasiado sexy! Este amplio físico de busto grande, puede ser la comidilla de la ciudad, pero queremos que sea por la razón correcta. Si muestras sólo lo suficiente es la marca de una dama elegante, sí muestras demasiado  escote puede hacer  que la gente se pregunta si  estás  tratando de vender algo! He visto literalmente los senos  de las mujeres por fuera que se ven como si se estuviera preparándose para amamantar a un bebé. Para asegurarte de no exponer a las nenas (senos) demasiado, mirate primero en el espejo. Para algunas mujeres, enseñar una gran parte de su  busto deja ver  las venas que están cerca del área del pezón. Otra manera de decir que tu busto está  demasiado afuera la distancia debe ser de dos dedos. Como mínimo, la distancia debe ser dos dedos desde el inicio de la areola del escote de la blusa. La tercera y última prueba de que puedes tratar. Salta un mínimo  5 veces (sí, verdaderamente serio), si el pezón está cerca de verse  o el seno se  sale,  el escote definitivamente esta demasiado bajo. Ponte  una camisola debajo o cambia de top para corregir la situación.

Los hombros de la manzana le permiten llevar hermoso adornos. Mantenga sus ojos en las blusas que acentúan las curvas de tu pecho, pero no deje que en el escote los deje salir. Una blusa de un solo hombro o asimétricas pueden hacer eso. De un solo hombro  ayuda a romper la anchura de los hombros, permitiendo al mismo tiempo lo suficiente como para abrir el escote. La blusa sobre los hombros también puede aplanar y reducir al mínimo el escote del busto. Cuando desnudes tus hombros, no te olvides de dar esa mirada adorable por encima de el a los tipos guapos  del lugar  donde te encuentres. Les llama la atención todo el tiempo.

Es necesario que todos los tipos de cuerpo tengan sujetadores buenos, pero es especialmente crucial para la forma de manzana, necesita uno que se ajuste correctamente y  apoye su busto correctamente. El sujetador será la base para su ropa y por lo tanto fijar el tono para ella y cómo ella se percibe. Nos guste o no, la elevación del busto es muy importante  porque  indica  la edad de una mujer. Una busto alto  significa que una mujer se vea más joven, un busto bajo hará que la mujer se vea mayor. Para lograr la deseada "altitud" algunas mujeres han sabido recurrir a la drástica medida de usar dos sujetadores. Más tarde, nos sumergiremos más en sujetadores y ropa spandex, pero sí quiero comunicar la importancia de un gran sujetador para este tipo de cuerpo en particular. Un consejo para mantener su busto a la altura correcta es cuando lo sientas deslizarse, encuentra un espacio privado, agáchate, tirar el sujetador fuera de su pecho y has una movida rápida. Esto pondrá sus pechos de nuevo en el lugar que le corresponde.

Cualquiera que sea tu tipo de cuerpo, hay un gran estilo para ti. Todas estas directrices pueden que sean abrumadoras al principio, pero toma oreja, cariño, y trabajarlo. La norma principal es definir tu cintura. Definición de la cintura crea unas líneas más definidas y le dan el magnetismo oh-tan-femenino. Si usted siente que está entre varias de  las categorías de un tipo de cuerpo no se preocupe. Como he dicho  hay literalmente cientos de diferentes tipos de cuerpo. Aunque usted debe inclinarse por el consejo del estilo orientado hacia el tipo de cuerpo principal, que caen bajo, tomar pasos pequeños para los otros tipos que se relacionan con usted. Esto le permitirá  que cree conciencia de que  hacer y no hacer basado en tu figura.

                    "Go To" Dress

 Mantengansen Bellas y Saludables.

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Plus-Size Models Rock the Runway in Sydney

Plus Size Models Rock the Runway in Sydney | hot models
A variety of plus-sized models appeared on the catwalk for the Myer Big is Beautiful show during the Mercedes Benz Sydney Fashion Festival yesterday – the models ranged in sizes from 12 to 20 US, but the media didn’t applaud the initiatie to use obese models (from Daily Mail):
The show has sparked an online debate as The Australian journalist Damian Woolbough branded the choice of models ‘irresponsible.’
Damian wrote: ‘There is a place for women of all sizes in the fashion media, as seen by the positive response to a plus-size shoot with Lawley in this month’s Vogue Australia, but obese models send just as irresponsible a message about the need for healthy eating and exercise as models with protruding clavicles and ribcages.’
He said: ‘Is it ok to be overweight? No. But if you are big and big boned, people come in all shapes and sizes,it would be monstrously wrong to say the models are just overweight. If they are running a show which has big girls modelling for big girls, then that would be totally appropriate. If the show Big is Beautiful is for ladies that are size 18 because that is their natural size then I see no problem.’
What do you think about the journalist’s words?
Among the models: 6’0” tall Robyn Lawley, who covered Vogue Italia – see her in a black dress after the jump and more!

Plus Size Models Rock the Runway in Sydney | hot models
Plus Size Models Rock the Runway in Sydney | hot models

martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

HOT TIP! Extend the life of your makeup brushes!

IV.Conócete a ti misma: Cuerpo de Forma Cuadrada

Forma Cuadrada

La mujer con forma cuadrada, tiene casi las mismas medidas en el busto, cintura y cadera. Al igual que la figura del triángulo invertido, esta figura también tiende a tener un cuello corto. Sus mejores características son los brazos y piernas bien tonificados. Puede ser todo un reto para crear una silueta femenina, ya que la cintura no está claramente definida. Sin embargo, no te preocupe más por esto! Porque el área debajo del busto es la parte más pequeña de cualquier mujer, las  correas le ayudan  incluso  a darle forma y tener una cintura definida.
Los beneficios de esta figura, como se mencionó anteriormente, son las extremidades   bien formadas y tonificadas. Escucho todo el tiempo a mujeres que les da miedo de mostrar sus brazos. Chicas con la forma cuadrada no tienen este problema, así que vamos a mostrarlos! Usa blusas sin mangas y faldas para mostrar los brazos y las piernas.
Vestidos que tienen la cintura definida, ya sea en la cintura natural o imperio, puede ayudar a crear una forma de curvilínea. La figura cuadrada puede tratar vestidos y faldas línea A, y las faldas de talle alto para crear la cintura definida. Los vestidos Peplum  quedan impresionantes en esta figura. Los vestidos Peplum son uno de los más fáciles para cualquier tipo de cuerpo ellos automáticamente- forman las curvas y son extremadamente tolerantes en el área del abdomen. (Y si no han oído hablar de los vestidos de Peplum , Google es lo que hay ! Te alegrarás de haberlo hecho!)
Los escotes abiertos  pueden ayudar a que el cuello se vea más largo para esta figura, mientras que los escotes  de novia darán la ilusión de las curvas  femeninas. Manténgase alejado de camisas de cuello alto para evitar  que el cuello se vea corto y los hombros anchos. Evite también los vestidos muy ajustados, como el vestido tubo. Un vestido sencillo, ajustado sólo aumentará la falta de variación entre el busto, la cadera y de la cintura. En cambio, utiliza  ropa ajustada con un elástico o que tenga ya la cintura marcada.
Boot Cut jeans, denim  oscuros son un elemento esencial para este tipo de cuerpo.  Los Skinny jeans  ayudan a crear cierta curvatura desde la cadera hacia abajo. Dado que el tipo de cuerpo tiende a tener un perfil lateral esbelto, llama la atención sobre estas líneas maravillosas usando pantalones  de frente plana.

Peplum Dress for Jibri  " Dream Big"
Mantengansen Bellas y Saludables.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

The Right Shoes for a Wedding Dress and How to Choose Them

How do you know how to find the right shoes for a wedding dress? There are several ways to look for shoes that will be perfectly coordinated to your dress.

Strappy sandals are perfect for an evening affair with a glamorous gown. A more casual or informal event at a courthouse is suitable for more casual shoes like dress mules.
But you have to consider more than just the style of shoes for a wedding when you're going to be wearing even an informal wedding gown. Now you have to think about colors and shades, fabrics and alterations and even how detailed the shoes should be.
And you should always buy your wedding dress before you go shopping for your footwear.
  • All shades of white are not the same: If your wedding dress is white, take a swatch of the dress fabric with you to match the shoes. If the shoes you want don't match, you might be able to use a bridal rinse to bring them to the correct shade of your dress.
  • Gown Alterations and Wedding Shoes: When you're going out to try on gowns, make sure you have a pair of shoes with you that are the same height of the shoes you'll wearing for your wedding, including any platform height.white-heelsWhen you shop for your shoes, take the shoes with you that used for your first gown fitting so you can find the right shoes for a wedding gown final fitting and for your wedding.
    It's crucial that you do get your wedding shoes before the final fitting.
    If you happen to get shoes that are even slightly higher or shorter than the shoes you wore for the alterations, your gown could unfortunately end up too long or too short.
  • Coordinating the Fabrics for Wedding Shoes and Gown: Use the bottom of your wedding dress to choose the fabric for your wedding shoes. If you have a shiny fabric wedding gown, select satin shoes to coordinate.
  • The Right Shoes for a Wedding Should Complement Your Gown: The rule of thumb - fancy shoes for a simple dress or simple shoes with a fancy dress. When you go by this rule, you avoid the need for having to match embellishments and details of your gown to the shoes.If you prefer to have shoes with some embellishments like beading or shiny satin, makes sure the details on the shoes coordinate and blend well with the gown.
If you start early and take your time, you should have no trouble finding just the right shoes for a wedding that both complement the type of affair and complement the dress.Some Hints for Happy Feet
strappy-heelsMake sure the shoes for a wedding are the right ones, because if you're not wearing comfortable wedding shoes, guaranteed your feet won't be smiling, no matter how much grinning your face is doing...
  • Never sacrifice comfort for style. You'll be on your feet from long before you walk down the aisle clear through the to last dance...
  • Select a heel height that you're used to wearing fairly often. Wider heels also provide more support and stability...
  • Ensure a properly fitting shoe by shopping at the end of the day, when your feet are at their largest...
  • Break your shoes in by wearing them around the house a few times before your wedding day. If you notice blisters, buy cushions to prevent irritation...
  • Pack some bandages and moleskin into your wedding purse so you have them on hand just in case those new shoes give you a little bit of trouble...
  • The soles of new shoes can be slick and slippery. Give them some added traction by gently roughing the soles with a piece of sandpaper for added grip.

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Belle curves: Sexy shape of now

Plus size models
Plus-size models L-R Penelope Benson, Robyn Lawley and Fiona Falkiner. Picture: Tim Carrafa Source: Herald Sun
IT ALL started with one creamy little belly in a picture way down the back of a fashion magazine.
In the shot, 20-year-old American model Lizzie Miller sits side-on to the camera, beaming in a tiny red G-string, her little stomach roll flopping free.

The image, which appeared on page 94 of the US edition of Glamour back in 2009, was so unassuming that you'd flick straight past it were it not for the naked, joyful beauty of a woman clearly happy with her size. But this could well go down as the date when the voice of women over a size 10 to 12 came into the fashion mainstream.
The response from readers was instant, and so intense it made headlines around the world. The day the magazine hit the newsstands, the internet lit up with excited tweets, blog comments and hundreds of emails to Glamour editor Cindi Leive that roared their approval and applauded the celebration of a real woman.
Slender women are real too, of course. But as models just kept getting thinner and looking glummer as the new century rolled on, the response to Miller's well-nourished image was a powerful message that consumers wanted other versions of the female form to at last gain entry to the fashion club.
Where UK society girl Sophie Dahl's short-lived plus-size modelling career failed to pave the stilettoed way for many others (Dahl shrank in the early noughties), Miller's pot belly appeared to be a catalyst. In the years since, gorgeous women previously considered astronomically oversized by the industry's skeletal standards have been embraced in the world's poshest fashion pages.
And the latest plus-sized bombshell to have her name up in global lights is Australia's own Robyn Lawley. The 22-year-old was one of three curvaceous beauties featured on the cover of none other than trend-setting Vogue Italia in its July "Belle Vere" (Real Beauties) edition. And once again, the response to the shoot (by fashion-snapper deity Steven Meisel) was extraordinary - and influential.
Lawley's agent, former plus-sized model Chelsea Bonner, describes the reaction to the image of a lingerie-clad Lawley sitting legs akimbo with two other babes and some bowls of spaghetti as "enormous - out of control". "It went viral overnight and hit hundreds and hundreds of publications all around the world," Bonner says, making no attempt to conceal her joy. "Italian Vogue is a trend-setter for the world - they start something and it filters through everywhere."
At the time, a thrilled Bonner told fashion blogger Patty Huntington: "It's just a complete validation of what I've been trying to say for the last nine years: that curves and high fashion do work. And given the same opportunities as any other model gets, the result is just as beautiful, just as amazing, just as glamorous.
"To be given that sort of opportunity, and for Robyn to blow it out of the water like she has; it's proof that it can be done and it should be on a regular basis."
Lawley had graced the cover of the curvy issue of French Elle in April, and before that had been seen in Australian Cosmopolitan, winning its reader-voted Fun Fearless Female Rising-Star title this year. She also made a big splash in a "straight" fashion shoot (that is, not specifically aimed at plus-sized consumers) in Australian Vogue's September issue, the magazine branding her "the shape of now".
Lawley is just one of many highly successful models at Bonner's plus-sized specialist agency, Bella model management, to be in demand here and in the foreign fashion capitals. Also featured in our picture opposite are two other high-profile plus-sized Australian models, Penelope Benson, the face of Playtex in Australia, and Fiona Falkiner, former contestant on The Biggest Loser. Falkiner now enjoys a thriving modelling career and is the image of two large local brands.

FOR Chelsea Bonner, seeing girls of size 14 to 16 win a place in conventional high-fashion magazines is satisfying on a deeply personal level. She saw her younger sister, Hanna, nearly die of anorexia and bulimia in her 20s. A former model booker and plus-sized model, Bonner, 37, has made it her mission to work to foster healthy body image, and bodies, ever since.
Hanna, she says, "came back from living in America and she was just frightening (to look at). We went through the battle with her for about three years and didn't know if she'd wake up in the morning. The doctor said if she didn't start eating she would be on a colostomy bag in 12 months. She grew hair all over her body and her period stopped - it was just horrifying to watch."
Thankfully, Hanna recovered. But the experience of seeing what starvation dieting is capable of doing to a mature woman's frame, and also what it can do to healthy young girls who go into modelling, pushed Bonner into starting her own "real women" agency. Before starting Bella, in her early days as a model booker for fashion spreads, she witnessed some horrifying habits among ambitious young models.
"These girls would wander in looking like they were half dead," she says. "I saw girls scraping the tiniest bit of Vegemite on a piece of toast and that would be all they would eat for the whole day. Models would walk in with red eyes and say they had a bit of a cold, but I knew from my sister that they were red because they'd been vomiting and blown all the blood vessels in their eyes. Their hair gets limp, their skin loses its glow, and everyone just styles them around it, puts more make-up on and sends them out again. I've seen things like that that would make your hair curl. And you believe her, given the recent spate of stories about models or their mothers seeing girls eating cotton wool balls dipped in orange juice to combat hunger.
Bonner is quick to point out that she does not want to push any "anti-slender" barrows, either. Her agency advocates acceptance of women whatever their size, so long as they are healthy and fit. And she argues stridently that accepting women who are larger than the sample size 8 for the catwalk, or up to size 10 for shoots, is not promoting obesity. After all, "plus size" merely refers to women who are over what fashion considers its standard size. It does not mean being much over the average Australian woman's size - 14 to 16.
All the models in Weekend's shoot are size 14 (top) to 16 (bottom) and all say they place a heavy emphasis on health and fitness. Penelope Benson, who is fit and toned, is keen to combat the idea that plus-sized models being given exposure in mainstream fashion is encouraging obesity. "That's the thing we have to get over to people ... some still have these negative associations with obesity and unhealthiness, but we are the models who represent average-sized women."
Benson's modelling career started after the plus-sized industry started seriously in Australia, about five years ago. She has never tried to be a "straight" size: "I have never really felt the pressure to do so." Like Bonner, she says it's time the small number of fashion power players who dictate "acceptable" size should move on to more realistic standards.

Ironically, Bonner and other plus-size advocates have also had to contend with criticism from the fat acceptance movement, some of whom claim that the models they promote are not plus sized enough. This perhaps misses the point that mainstream fashion accepting anything over and above the featherweight norm is surely a step forward.
Fiona Falkiner, 28, agrees that health is the main agenda among the new wave of working plus-sized models. She lost 29.5kg on The Biggest Loser in 2006, but found that without the non-stop exercise regime of the house, and very little food, her body could not keep it off. She is now a size 14 to 16 and weighs the same as she did at 16.
"I am a curvy girl, and it has taken me a long time to realise it, but this is the weight I'm naturally meant to be when I'm being healthy and active and looking after my body and my skin," says Falkiner.
"Women come in all different heights and shapes, but people should focus on the image of a healthy body, not the size. There are people who are genetically very slender and some are curvier; there can be healthy size 16s and healthy size 6s."
In emphasising that plus-size models aren't interested in an us-versus-them scenario, Falkiner echoes the words of American supermodel Crystal Renn, who made pulses race in a high-glam shoot for V magazine's "Size" issue last year. Renn, who was around an Australian size 14 at the time, said recently: "I'd like to see everyone take on the attitude that there are women of all different shapes and sizes as the beauty ideal, and that it's not one type or another. There are women who are naturally a size 2 (Australian 4) - you can't forget them and that's discrimination the other way."
Renn is vocal about the size issue, having nearly died trying to starve herself down to conventional modelling size (she lost 42 per cent of her body weight). In her 2010 memoir Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite, Ambition, and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves, she wrote about her struggle to give her agents what they wanted - serious weight loss - and how her career took off after she gave up trying. Ironically, she's now facing criticism for having lost weight. She's now an Australian size 10.

THOUGH Bonner was beside herself with joy when one of her models made the cover of Italian Vogue, she is perhaps even more thrilled about Robyn Lawley's use in a regular fashion shoot for Vogue Australia's September issue. "I thought I'd be dead before I saw a plus-sized model in (a straight fashion shoot in) Vogue - not in my wildest, craziest fantasy of all time did I think I would see it. But we've done it. It has only taken 10 years!"
The pleasure for Bonner lies in the fact that Lawley's spread is not part of a size issue or a curves feature, but just part of Vogue's fashion coverage. It indicates for the booker that sizes beyond 8 to 10 may finally be making it into the consciousness of the powerful designers whose ideas dictate the entire industry's approach.
Vogue Australia editor Kirstie Clements says Lawley is featured not because the magazine is trying to make a point, but because the model is beautiful. "She's gorgeous, she's making waves and that's newsworthy," Clements says. "It wasn't a political statement for me, it was, 'She's really super special'."
The reaction to the Lawley spread has been "really great", Clements says. "I've done a lot of press and radio and it's gone global ... Without being super political about it, I think just the inclusion of a more natural-looking woman just made everybody feel a little bit better about themselves."
Clements makes a point of not including plus-sized, indigenous or any other type of model in the magazine's pages simply to curry favour or as a token gesture, but chooses models for their suitability for the job. She says when she went to the Lawley shoot, she soon felt "she doesn't even look plus sized to me any more, that just looks real".
"We're so used to tall, slender models, we've adjusted our vision of it," she adds. "Really, she's over six feet tall and she's got bosoms, so of course you're going to be around a size 14."
Clements says there is a trend towards using more real women in high fashion, but it is a slow-growing thing. Major international designers, who still prefer small models to display their clothes on the catwalk, largely set size standards.
The industry has to become more inclusive, says Clements, who stresses that it is clothes, not body sizes, that editors go to see at parades. "Recognition has to be given to different sorts of beauty and body shapes. But am I going to have a plus-sized model in Vogue every month? Probably not. If a plus-sized model suits the clothing, yes. But I'm promoting fashion, I'm not promoting bodies as such."
At Cosmopolitan, editor Jessica Parry says she is booking an increasing number of plus-sized models for fashion spreads, and she is proud to say it was a bathing-suit spread in Cosmo that brought Lawley to the attention of Vogue Italia editor Franca Sozzani.
"But I book her as an internationally successful model, not because she is plus size," says Parry. "We have to be careful not to discriminate against other sizes. I don't want to do any slender bashing, or bashing of skinny women; I've borne the brunt of that myself. I was always naturally thin and I know what that feels like."
On the thorny question of size and health, Parry's attitude is: "You can be healthy and toned and you don't have to be a size 8: that criticism about us promoting obesity is wrong. We're not encouraging girls to go out there and eat what they like, and not care about their body."
It may be surprising to some to learn that men appear to be much further along the path of size acceptance than women. Tellingly, the editorial accompanying a plus-sized models gallery on men's lifestyle website AskMen, written by contributor Miles Harvey, was all for women being seen as gorgeous even if they weren't an Aussie size 8.
"Forget the skeletal, sickly girls who pass as fashion models these days," Harvey wrote. "A true man knows that real beauty isn't found in a size zero. A growing number of 'plus-size models' are redefining what society considers beautiful, and the heroin addict-looking supermodels of today could soon find their jobs in jeopardy.
"Many of these plus-size models are relatively unknown, but we're hoping to change that ... These healthy, full-sized hotties are riding the wave of public backlash against the walking coat hangers plying the runways, and we are lucky enough to come along for the ride."
If the likes of Chelsea Bonner are right, there will be plenty more full-sized "hotties" to come. "I have noticed more and more clients using a wider variety of sizes," Bonner says. "The growth (in demand for plus-sized models) has been phenomenal. But we're still a tiny section of the market; probably still only 5 per cent of all models it uses.
"It's a fight every day: we come in here with our boxing gloves on to try to break down the barriers and get people just to see things from a slightly different perspective."

III.Conócete a ti misma: Cuerpo forma de Triangulo Invertido

Forma del Triangulo Invertido

La mujer con forma del triángulo invertido tiene los hombros anchos y lleva la mayor parte de su peso en la parte superior del cuerpo. Debido a la anchura de sus hombros tiende  a tener un cuello corto, busto grande, caderas pequeñas y piernas delgadas.  El equilibrio de la parte superior e inferior es el objetivo de esta constitución.
Lo extraordinario  sobre este tipo de cuerpo es lo bien formadas  y tonificadas que tienen las piernas, lo que permite ser capaz de usar faldas más  cortas que el promedio de las chicas con curvas. La ropa que funciona mejor para este tipo de cuerpo incluyen pantalones anchos y jeans, tops con cuello en V, y vestidos de linea A. Su meta debe ser crear un estilo proporcionado. Use pantalones  de piernas ancha para equilibrar la mitad superior del cuerpo con la mitad inferior. El cuello en V y los escotes  pueden ayudar a crear la impresión de un cuello alargado. Cuando uses un vestido, usarlo con el estilo  A, que trabajará con su cuerpo para crear la apariencia de una figura de reloj de arena. El Shift dress también se ve muy bien, porque  empieza en forma  pequeña en el hombro y se expande hacia  el exterior en forma de V al revés, creando una apariencia proporcionada.
Cuando uses camisas, asegúrate  de concentrarte en las blusas que se ajusten al busto, la curva encima y por debajo del busto, y después la parte media. Una camisa que te quede de esta manera ayudará a dar la apariencia curvilínea, en la cintura. No deje que tu amplio busto camuflaje  tus potenciales curvas. Sobre todo, evita los  skinny jeans, falda lápiz, camisas de  de cuello alto, y las hombreras. Los skinny jeans y faldas lápiz llaman la atención sobre el desequilibrio de esta forma, desviando más  la atención a la diferencia de tamaño entre las partes superiores e inferiores del cuerpo. Camisas de cuello alto pueden llamar la atención sobre la falta de la longitud del cuello. Las hombreras aumentarán tus hombros y tu cuello se verá  más corto. Al comprar una chaqueta con hombreras, elimínalas!  Si las mangas tiene almohadillas? Elimínalas también!  Las correas sólo deben usarse con este tipo de cuerpo al usar un vestido o falda que sean de la cintura hacia abajo.
Mujer con forma de triángulo invertido  (o con busto grande en general) debe tener cuidado con las camisas que tienen una costura para enfatizar el busto. A menudo, he visto mujeres  que usan estas camisas  y en vez de llevar la costura  exactamente de bajo del busto, donde se supone que va, la costura la tiene en el centro del busto. Esto puede darle un aspecto muy poco favorecedor y  la costura en el centro del busto  no favorece y te hacen ver como que algo anda mal. Una desventaja adicional? Este tipo de camisa tiende a aumentar a medida que usted va junto con su día. Así que a pesar de que puede verse muy bien cuando  salió de su casa, podrías terminar tratando de de bajar la maldita cosa todo el día. Para evitar esto, puede hacer varias cosas. En primer lugar, asegúrate  de que tiene un  brasier push up para  que mantenga los senos en su lugar. Pruebe las camisas que tienen extensión  para ayudar a estirar. Antes de salir de la casa, camina, párate, siéntate, y comprueba en el espejo para ver si la camisa sigue en su sitio. Si es así, estas lista para irte!

Mantengansen Bellas y Saludables.